On Community Based drought Coping Mechanisms in Ade Galchat Kebele of Elwaye District Borena Zone


Background of the Indigenous Knowledge

The Concept and definition of indigenous knowledge is the cognizant with the narratives, several scholars have developed definitions of indigenous knowledge in respect of the aspect/contexts of the indignity matters consistent with the premise of the disciplines under concern. In connection with this, it is believed that Indigenous science and indigenous peoples are the subset of the indigenous knowledge/both are encrusted in IK (Eyong, 2001; Lunga, 2014; Lambert & Scott, 2019). The existing literature classifies indigenous sciences as individual and social/cultural level definitions. In this regard, this study highlights on the social/cultural level, definitions which define indigenous science/ethno science as a culture/society dependent collective rational perceiving of a reality (Theodory, 2016; David-Chavez, 2019). Indigenous science classifies the objects, activities, and events within a given universe. In addition, processes of science that include rational observation of natural events, classification, and problem solving are woven into all aspects of indigenous science (Langill, 1999; Rahman & Rusli, 2017; David-Chavez, 2019).

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